Thursday, April 10, 2008

A day at the Cherry Blossom Festival

Sunday after church, we went to the Cherry Blossom Festival in D.C. It was really cold, so Mommy and Daddy wrapped me up tight in a blanket in my stroller. It was really pretty seeing those trees. For more pictures, you can check out Mommy's blog.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My new favorite toy...

I love climbing in this diaper box Mommy got. I fit perfectly inside and sometimes Daddy will pull me around the room in it. It's so fun.

A Visit from the Heilmans

Our friends from Virginia Beach were in town visiting their family and they stopped by to see us for a couple of hours. It was really fun...Mommy and Amy took us kids(Lily and Jed) back to the playground while Daddy and Joe talked inside. I had so much fun on the swing. I hope I get to see them again soon.

My First Easter

Shopping with Papa K

Papa K came to visit a couple of weeks ago to watch basketball with Daddy and he took me shopping to Macy's and bought me this cute Polo dress.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Bows, Bows, Bows...

Mommy has been dying to put bows in my hair and she finally found some at a consignment store in Cincinnati that fit. My hair is still thin (I get that from Daddy), so Mommy has to fix them so they stay in, but she loves them.

Two Madness Firsts...

Of course I have never been to an NCAA basketball game in March, but neither had Mommy even though she loves college basketball so much. Since one of the first round sites was in Washington D.C. this year, Daddy bought tickets on ebay for us to go to the first session. It was so much fun and everyone around me thought I was so good. (One of the games was really boring, so I slept!).

Saturday, April 5, 2008

I love Mermy...

I sleep with Mermy every night and Mommy took this picture of me one day at my nap a couple of months ago when I was snuggling Mermy.