Monday, March 2, 2009

New Blog...

I've had a hard time keeping up with updating both mine and Reagan's blog, so I've created a family blog. So visit for future posts.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Matching Outfits for church too!

One Month Old Already...

Mommy took Quint to the doctor for his one month check-up and he's doing great. He weighs 10 pounds 11 ounces (90th percentile), is 22.75 inches long (75th), and is almost as big as his cousin who is exactly 3 months older than him. Mommy says she can't believe he's already a month old!

Matching Blankies

Cute Little Cupcakes

This weekend, my MomMoo, Papa, Aunt Eeeso and baby cousin, Sable came to visit. We had so much fun. Of course we had to dress alike all weekend...I loved having two babies in the house to love on.

Nursing Twins...

We got a lot of looks this weekend at the mall when we stopped to nurse our babies in the middle of the mall with our matching blankets....

Getting ready for March Madness...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Beyonce Reagan

A Visit from the Stones

Last weekend, Mr. Dave and Sadie Stone came up to visit us. He was preaching for Daddy so that he could have a Sunday off. We had a lot of fun with them. We went to lunch with them on Saturday, and they came over Saturday night, but I was already asleep. They were so nice to us and got me some play-doh and some red cookie cutters and they got baby Quint a U of L outfit. I didn't get my picture with them since I was asleep Saturday night, but they got some pictures with baby bro. I'm glad Daddy got a break on Sunday...he's so good at preaching, but still needs a break every now and then and of course everyone at church loved Mr. Dave...they said he was really funny!

19 Months...

Yesterday I turned 19 months old...I actually had my 18 month check-up at the doctor last week (even though I was almost 19 months) and I'm still a little peanut. I was 23 lbs (20th percentile) and 33 inches tall (80th percentile). The doctor said I was doing fine in every other area. I'm saying somewhere between 10-15 words (hi, mama, dada, ball, more, bible, papa, moon, yeah, ewww...). She said Mommy needed to "think" about potty training me since I say "ewwww" whenever Mommy or Daddy change a poopy diaper...she said it was a sign that I may be ready. Mommy's not quite ready yet though!!! In these pictures, I was trying to put my baby brother's hat on.

Salsa Hair

The other day, I was having a snack after Daddy got home of chips and's one of my favorite things to eat and I'm big enough now where I can dip myself. But, Mommy and Daddy didn't tell me NOT to put the salsa in my hair. I thought I needed some "product" and this was all I had to work with at the time.

A Little Man

The way Quint has his face wrinkled up in these pictures make him look like a little old man...

Feeding 2 Babies at once...

Monday, February 2, 2009

Do you think we look alike?

Doesn't Mommoo's vest look good on me?!

Quint's first bath

Mommy said Quint's cord on his belly button hasn't fallen off yet, so he can't take a bath like me, but he still needed to get clean, so Mommy and Daddy just gave him a bath with a wash cloth in the sink. He didn't like it very much, but I know when he gets bigger, he'll really like taking baths...especially when we get to eat ice cream in the bath tub!!!

Sharing toys already...

Lovin' on my new best friend...

I've gotten used to having my baby brother around...Mommy says I don't really pay too much attention to him except I point when he is crying and say "shhhh" with my finger up to my mouth when he's sleeping, but I actually pay more attention to him than she thinks. I love holding him, kissing him, watching him get changed, and snuggling Daddy with him! We are going to have so much fun growing up together!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

My Baby Brother...

Mommy has a lot of pictures to post, but here are some of my favorites of my new baby brother. His name is Carl Herman Kuhl V, and we call him Quint. He was born at 3:50 Wednesday afternoon and weighed 8lbs, 12 oz and was 21 inches long. He's really cute, but most of the time I don't even know he's around. I point at him a lot and am interested sometimes, but I'm having more fun being spoiled by Mommoo and Nana (Angela). Mommy said I was a lot easier to have....she is going to put a time line on her blog of the last couple of days. Also, she said it's going to be too hard to keep up with more than one blog, so she's going to make a family blog...she wants to know if anyone has any clever names for our family blog....I suggested "All about Love" but she thinks baby bro will get his feelings hurt if we leave him out.