Friday, August 29, 2008

Sharing another milkshake with Daddy...

Daddy's favorite thing to do with me is to get me milkshakes...and I like it too! Here are some pictures of us sharing a strawberry one from Burger King!

I like the Olympics just as much as Mommy!

I know you can't tell, but I'm watching the night when Mommy was watching and Daddy was away (I forget where), I just plopped down in front of the tv and watched for about 10 minutes! It was so interesting. I was watching volleyball and it looked like so much fun!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Reading with Daddy

My favorite thing to do these days is read...I have a lot of books and I will bring one after another to Mommy during the day to read to me. She already has a lot of them memorized. When Daddy gets home from work, I get him to read to me too. We were hanging out on the floor, reading, and Mommy took some pictures of us.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fat Lip

This weekend, I was walking around like I always do and I tripped and hit my top lip on the corner of the coffee table. Ouch! It started bleeding and probably scared mommy more than it hurt me, but I still cried a lot. Mommy put an ice cube in this little mesh thing that normally holds fruit, and I loved it and carried it around sucking on the ice. That night, my lip was swollen and Grandpa was saying that I got a free collagen injection in my lip...whatever that means. Mommy didn't get around to taking a picture of it until 2 days later, so in the pictures, it looks smaller, but it was really noticeable Saturday night!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Chick-Fil-A Milkshake....MMMMM!

Yesterday Mommy and Daddy ate lunch at Chick-Fil-A and they let me try some of their cookies and cream milkshake. I tried drinking out of a straw a few months ago, but it was too hard. It wasn't hard yesterday though! I was loving that milkshake! I hope I get to go back and get another one soon. Daddy's Dad is coming to visit this weekend...maybe he'll take me to get one!