Tuesday, October 30, 2007

All Dressed Up

Enjoying Dinner with Mommy and Daddy in my Bumbo Seat

Mommy and Daddy decided to get out my Bumbo seat since I am now old enough to sit in it. It feels a little funny, but I don't mind it for a little bit at a time. The other night, Mommy cooked chicken tortilla soup and they decided to include me in their dinner...I snatched a chip without them knowing. I'm so sneaky!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Lovin' the Denim!

Papa K (Daddy's Dad) bought me a jean jacket several weeks ago, but it didn't fit me plus it wasn't cool enough to wear it yet...but this week, Mommy and Daddy went to Starbucks with their friends Lauren and Lee and it was cold and a little rainy out. Mommy tried my coat on me and it fit!!! I'm really growing!

An outfit from Momoo...

Momoo (Mommy's Mom) sent me an outfit in the mail with my middle name on it and wanted some pictures of me in it, so Mommy took some pictures of me practicing "tummy time" and some of me on my back...it was fun.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

3 Months Old

Thursday, October 4, 2007


I went to the doctor today for my two month check-up (even though I'm 11 weeks) and have had a rough day. I had to get FOUR SHOTS! Ouch! Of course, when I got there, they did all the fun stuff like weigh me (12lbs, 8oz) and measure me (24 inches) and I found out I'm in the 90th percentile of both my weight and height. Then, the doctor came in and checked my skin, and muscle tone and asked Mommy and Daddy some questions about how I've been eating and sleeping (and pooping) and she left and made me wait forever to get my shots! I was already tired from traveling, so I knew it was going to be bad...the nurse came in and Mommy held my hand as she gave me two shots in my right thigh and two in my left. She told Mommy that they would really burn, but that I would sleep really good afterward. I cried the loudest I've ever cried and Mommy cried too. I haven't felt good the rest of the night and have been sleeping a lot. I hope I feel better tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Happy Traveler!


In the middle of our long trip, we spent 24 hours in New York City. I had so much fun. We stayed with Daddy's good friend Kevin in Queens and got to tour the city with Kevin and Liz. I even got to ride the subway. We went to church Sunday morning at Forefront (NYC) and I got to spend some time with Mommy's friend Becka Over. I'm looking forward to going back to spend more time there shopping, taking a walk in Central Park, and eating at some yummy restaurants.

My Best Friend, Elli

My Virginia Family

I finally got to meet my Virginia family this past week...I only got pictures with me and Nana, and the Kantowskis...I'm sad Mommy didn't get more pictures with the rest of them, but we'll be sure and take more pictures on our next trip!